Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Honey Bucket

"Honey Bucket" instead of port-a-potties is definitely the grossest term I've come across here. I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it. Some claim that it's "just a brand name." I could maybe accept that (would still be gross), but it's more than just a brand name. It is this region's typical phrase used for the structure in which you go to defecate. I don't expect gross, more fitting names like "shit hole," but really.... Honey Bucket?!


Blogger UW Nutrition said...

ha ha! That was one of the craziest things to get used to here. And on our 2-day bike ride to Vancouver, you bet there were a LOT of Honey Buckets!

Nate LOVES the name, I think it's disgusting. Once he threatened to make "Honey Bucket" my pet name.

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think "Honey Bucket" is a brilliant name. Plus, it shows that this company can laugh at itself.

You should Google "Honey Bucket" to educate yourself on where the term originated from. It's really quite interesting.

I did it because I wanted to know more about the company. Why? Because I work there.

10:22 PM  

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