Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wish he were home...

It's amazing how much longer two weeks is than 4 days. I feel like Rob has been gone forever. I wish he were coming home today. Just two days to go... but keeping busy is not doing as good a job of keeping me distracted as usual. I just keep thinking, I wish he were on his way home now.

And to continue with the depressing thoughts: I have to say, I am really sick of this administration. I really, really hope that Obama wins. I really don't understand how ANYBODY could choose to vote for McSame. Then again, Americans actually managed to re-elect Bush in 2004. That makes me feel like anything is possible. Sadly, that is not a positive statement in this case.

I've been thinking though... why in the world is Obama running? There is NO way that I would want the job of attempting to repair the horrendous damage accomplished in the last 8 years. Call me lazy, but it seriously seems overwhelming. Then again, things are falling more and more apart as the selfish decisions of this administration's work comes to fruition. Who knows if he had to choose today if he wanted to run, if he would still want to. Probably. They're all politicians in the end. I figure if you really want to be President of the US, the desire for power has to motivate you to some extent.

Gee! Aren't I Ms. Optimistic today?


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